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This tutorial will show you how to download and install the vray rendering engine, a powerful rendering plug-in for 3ds max. We'll also show you a few basic render settings that will give your models an elegant, realistic finish with very little effort from you! In this post we'll look at three easiest ways to download and install vray-max 2013. In addition we'll include a few basic render settings that can be used as a starting point for all projects. The first step is to download and install the v-ray for 3ds max plugin. You can find it at: To use this plug-in you will need to purchase a license from Chaos group. Before you purchase, you can download the V-Ray demo version for free and see if it is what you are looking for. Once the plugin is installed, open the max interface and select Render -> Settings. A new window will appear with options to set up your rendering scene. The first tab here is the Basic tab. Here you can change some basic parameters like image size (if you are not working with an HDRI map), anti-aliasing options, resolution, etc. For this post we'll just look at the "Image format" option. Click on this option and then select Vray from the drop down box that appears next to it just above ".hdr file name". Click OK when done. This will open the "Input Format" page where you can select your image type. The options are: JPEG, TIFF, TGA (.tga file extension). As you can see I've only selected the JPEG (JPG) option. The next page is the Render Settings tab. This page contains presets for each of the different rendering modes available in vray-max 2013. For this post we'll just look at the "Diffuse+Emission" mode. You'll find this at: Here you will find two buttons labeled "Default Preset" and "Custom Preset". Click on the "Default Preset" button to open a dialogue box where you can select your render settings. You can also click on the preset title to bring up a drop down box that will show you all the different variations of each preset. Here we'll choose "Low" and click apply and mix to create a new custom preset: You should now be able to find your new custom setting present next to the default vray-max 2013 presets. You can also import your custom settings into your rendering process in the same way as with any other in-scene settings in 3ds max. Now click on Render setup in the main interface and you should see your new settings preset. Choose this when creating new scenes for rendering with vray-max 2013 or when opening existing scenes in order to use this specific render setting for that scene. cfa1e77820